As a resident you’re here year ’round and can make the biggest impact!


  • Sign Up to Clean Up (Click for more info!)
    By signing up you’re just letting us know that you want to help Keep Our Home Port Clean by picking up trash right outside your house or business.
    We’ll even add you to our PAL map!
    (This helps us to see what areas are covered and what areas could use more help.
    It’s also a good opportunity to see which of your neighbors are already helping out!)
  • Cover your trash and recycling on trash nights
    So often our trash gets ripped into by animals or recycling blown away by the wind before they can be picked up, help us to eliminate trash blowing around the neighborhoods!
  • Familiarize yourself with all of the clean city initiatives in the area
  • Participate in events put on by various organizations
  • Review some of the resources available on our website 
  • Share this website with your friends and family! Use the links available all over the site to share via Facebook, email, or any other social platform you can think of!


Thank you for being a caring community member <3